We've got a little business to take care of today...
First, A couple of blogs have gone private and have given me an email address to post for anyone who would like to be invited to read their blog. I will list them here with their email adresses as well as in the sidebar under their names.
Shantelle Barber Martinez --- email spidershanny@gmail.com
David Thorpe --- email address not available*** leave a comment on their new "fake" blog if you woul llke to be invited to view their real blog.
I'm sure that this "private" list will be everchanging and I just wanted to direct you to a previous entry from our blog HERE with an idea I had for private bloggers, especially if you would rather not have your email address posted publicly.
Well, I had one more item of business to tend to, but I hear screaming children in the distance and I think I may have to break it up... later.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Happy Holidays!
I had a little down time today to check out your blogs. It was nice to see all the Christmas wishes and holiday cheer! I have to say I was fascinated by the photo documentation of the ice storm on
Adam Green's blog - you should all check it out!
Monday, December 22, 2008
An old friend...
Got a message in my inbox over the weekend and thought I'd post it for you all!
"Okay, so I'm kind of a cheater. I didn't graduate from SFHS, but I would have if we hadn't moved away when I was in 8th grade. I grew up with most people I saw posted on the blog though, so I was wondering if you could help me out? There are so many people that I would love to catch up with if they're interested? My name was Katie Elmborg back then, it's Katie Belcher now. My email is kelmborg@hotmail.com, and I have a Facebook profile under my married name. I didn't know if there was any way you could post this info on your site, or get it to people? I would appreciate any help getting in touch with my old friends. Thank you so much! Katie Belcher (Elmborg)"
Here is a link to Katie's FACEBOOK!
"Okay, so I'm kind of a cheater. I didn't graduate from SFHS, but I would have if we hadn't moved away when I was in 8th grade. I grew up with most people I saw posted on the blog though, so I was wondering if you could help me out? There are so many people that I would love to catch up with if they're interested? My name was Katie Elmborg back then, it's Katie Belcher now. My email is kelmborg@hotmail.com, and I have a Facebook profile under my married name. I didn't know if there was any way you could post this info on your site, or get it to people? I would appreciate any help getting in touch with my old friends. Thank you so much! Katie Belcher (Elmborg)"
Here is a link to Katie's FACEBOOK!
Friday, December 19, 2008
Still here...
I've had a few phone calls from worried friends this past week... ALL because I haven't been posting on this blog! They were sure that something must be wrong because I'm just so darn persistant/consistant (couldn't decide which one worked better) in my blogging duties. So I thought I had better get back in the swing of things before I get any more frantic phone calls.
Unfortunately, there isn't much of anything interesting to blog about right now. At least as far as the Class of '94 is concerned. I suppose I could comment on the economy or the latest politics, but I try to stick to content related to SFHS 1994. It did cross my mind that back in '93 or '94 they came up with that new "Recession" dance and I was wondering was that because we were experiencing a recession back then (like now)? I can't help but wish that I was as unconcerned by the current economic situation as I was back then... oh those carefree teenage years. But, good heavens what am I saying... it's Christmas! I should definately stick to happier thoughts! So I guess I'll just close by saying that I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year!
p.s. If you are feeling like you are in a particularly giving mood... you might want to find some email addresses or blogs of fellow classmates (refer to THE LIST) and send them to us at sfhs1994@gmail.com (it's a fairly cheap way to get in on the Christmas spirit of things) -Thanks!
Unfortunately, there isn't much of anything interesting to blog about right now. At least as far as the Class of '94 is concerned. I suppose I could comment on the economy or the latest politics, but I try to stick to content related to SFHS 1994. It did cross my mind that back in '93 or '94 they came up with that new "Recession" dance and I was wondering was that because we were experiencing a recession back then (like now)? I can't help but wish that I was as unconcerned by the current economic situation as I was back then... oh those carefree teenage years. But, good heavens what am I saying... it's Christmas! I should definately stick to happier thoughts! So I guess I'll just close by saying that I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year!
p.s. If you are feeling like you are in a particularly giving mood... you might want to find some email addresses or blogs of fellow classmates (refer to THE LIST) and send them to us at sfhs1994@gmail.com (it's a fairly cheap way to get in on the Christmas spirit of things) -Thanks!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
It's for real this time...
A new blog to add today! I've been bugging her forever to get this done... at last! Welcome Valorie Braithwaite Walters and her cute fam to the world of blogging!
(Guess what... my annoying emails to siblings are working - we've added several new emails to the list this week. The only thing is I don't always know everyone's siblings names so if you do, would you leave me a comment or send me an email with them. I'll do all the hard work (emailing is SO hard) of writing and bugging them.)
(Guess what... my annoying emails to siblings are working - we've added several new emails to the list this week. The only thing is I don't always know everyone's siblings names so if you do, would you leave me a comment or send me an email with them. I'll do all the hard work (emailing is SO hard) of writing and bugging them.)
Friday, November 21, 2008
It feels like forever...
... since I've found a new blog to add on here, doesn't it? Well, I found one today! And then I listed it, but they didn't want me to so now it's not here... sorry. The good news is I got their email address out of it (I'm so lame).
In other news, I've resorted to some new and interesting tactics in my search for emails... mostly I have exhibited a lack of embarrassment (in other words I have no shame). For example, when I went to vote I ran into Steven and Peter Bernards mom (she was running the voting tables) and instead of hurrying through the line because there were a million anxious people behind me - I took my sweet time writing down this website address and asking (begging) her to give it to her boys. I'm still waiting on results... I saw a guy we went to high school with in line at Macey's and I would have run right over and begged his email address off of him IF ONLY my husband hadn't stopped me (he's always in a hurry to get out of Maceys plus I think he was embarrassed of his crazy wife). What can I say... I'm driven. And just today I sent out emails to several classmates siblings in hopes of getting a couple of responses- I am so annoying... but it just might work!
At any rate, I figure it's better than calling people's parents on the phone and trying to track them down... I have to draw the line somewhere!
So here's fair warning - please either have your email address written on a piece of paper in your wallet ready to give to me or be prepared to run the other way if you see me glance your way... it is Christmas shopping season, I figure the odds are pretty good that if you live around here I might run into you.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
I didn't forget...
I haven't forgotten about this site, but it sure has been a while since I've updated! It looks like things are slowing down a bit. For a while there we were averaging one or two new emails a day, it turns out Facebook was a big help! It's still a little confusing to me and I have no plans to try out MySpace - so if you have an account there would you do me a favor and post something about the blog? Thanks (in advance)! It's time to start gearing up for the Holidays now. I've been thinking about posting up some old dance pics from Harvest, if you've got any handy email them to sfhs1994@gmail.com and I'll make you famous!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Welcome to the Spanish Fork High School Class of 1994 Blog
I ran across the website/resume of a fellow classmate this week... Leona Christensen! It looks like she is enjoying a successful career as a writer and has interviewed some pretty famous people - fun! I can't add her website in the sidebar because it isn't technically a blog and blogger doesn't seem to recognize it when I try, so I decided to stick it down in the "business section" (writing is her business, right?) for future reference. Welcome to the blog Leona!
Monday, November 3, 2008
15 YEARS???
Can we really be old enough to be planning our 15 YEAR Class Reunion?
I had a little get together at my house over the weekend and we got a few details put together for the reunion. Let me give you the rundown...
Who was there... Austin & Kelly (Hendren) Cope, Greg & Heather (Stone) Kitchen, Kate (Frampton) Esplin, Michelle (Measom) Marziale, Heidi (Tischner) Wilkinson, and Zak and I. (Dave, Ben, and Jeron were there in spirit... o.k. not really, they were too busy watching football!)
What we talked about... When to have the reunion? Where to have it? What to eat? Should we invite families or just adults? How much it should cost? You get the idea...
What was agreed upon... First we all agree that we wanted to keep things casual and fairly inexpensive, BUT we still wanted a nice place to meet and GOOD food... oh and no kids allowed (except for really tiny, cute newborns)! Assignments were handed out and we are looking into our different options right now. The one thing we are SURE OF is the date! We wanted to coordinate with Fiesta Days, since that is when a lot of you come home anyway, and the 24th happens to be on a Friday in 2009... so we are going for SATURDAY JULY 25th, 2009. We figure all the festivities associated with the 24th (parade, rodeo, etc...) will be over and if we are lucky you will be able to squeeze in a little quality time with your old classmates.
I had a little get together at my house over the weekend and we got a few details put together for the reunion. Let me give you the rundown...
Who was there... Austin & Kelly (Hendren) Cope, Greg & Heather (Stone) Kitchen, Kate (Frampton) Esplin, Michelle (Measom) Marziale, Heidi (Tischner) Wilkinson, and Zak and I. (Dave, Ben, and Jeron were there in spirit... o.k. not really, they were too busy watching football!)
What we talked about... When to have the reunion? Where to have it? What to eat? Should we invite families or just adults? How much it should cost? You get the idea...
What was agreed upon... First we all agree that we wanted to keep things casual and fairly inexpensive, BUT we still wanted a nice place to meet and GOOD food... oh and no kids allowed (except for really tiny, cute newborns)! Assignments were handed out and we are looking into our different options right now. The one thing we are SURE OF is the date! We wanted to coordinate with Fiesta Days, since that is when a lot of you come home anyway, and the 24th happens to be on a Friday in 2009... so we are going for SATURDAY JULY 25th, 2009. We figure all the festivities associated with the 24th (parade, rodeo, etc...) will be over and if we are lucky you will be able to squeeze in a little quality time with your old classmates.
ONE MORE THING... We are really trying to keep the costs down and one of those things that sucks A LOT of money from the fund is POSTAGE! So, once again, I am asking for ANY and ALL email addresses you may have of our classmates! I know some of you are holding out on me (I get email replies all the time that start out with "I was wondering when you would find me... I get on the class blog all the time"). Even if you NEVER plan on attending a reunion in your lifetime, we still have to PAY to send out a letter to somewhere (most likely your parents house or a last known address) so please - FOR THE LOVE- email me at sfhs1994@gmail.com and get it over with!
Pretty please... that's all for now.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Just for fun...
I borrowed the little video below from Marcie Romero's blog... thanks Marcie (and your husband for entertaining us all)!
Remember to turn off/pause the music in the sidebar before you play this... ENJOY!
Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today!

President ???
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Two New Blogs!
We've got 2 new blogs to post up today!
Robyn Jackson Stone
Brittney Johnson Alonzo
Welcome to the Spanish Fork High School Class of 1994 Blog!
Robyn Jackson Stone
Brittney Johnson Alonzo
Welcome to the Spanish Fork High School Class of 1994 Blog!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
My how we have grown!
Another blog to add today (thanks to a tip from one of you)... Natalie Nielson Jensen! Welcome to the blog!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
FREE stuff!
Welcome to the Spanish Fork High School Class of 1994 Blog
Welcome Genevieve Crossley Nelson to the blog! I've also added a little "email count" in the sidebar to keep us all motivated in finding addresses of our classmates. O.K.. it's mostly to keep me motivated, I thought it was depressing looking at the LONG list of people we haven't found so I put a little something NICE on there to remind me that all this is actually accomplishing something (other than my husband thinking I must be crazy). Thanks again to everyone for your help in finding classmates from the Spanish Fork High School Class of 1994 (just throwing the long title in there for Google).
Oh yeah, one more thing... Jonathan Swenson's blog is no longer private - YAY! I've updated it in the sidebar so you can all check it out.
Oh yeah, one more thing... Jonathan Swenson's blog is no longer private - YAY! I've updated it in the sidebar so you can all check it out.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Thanks AND keep it up!

I've had A LOT of helpful emails from you guys (I especially love it when you go through your email address books and find the email addresses of classmates and give them to me). A couple of people mentioned that Shandi Haymore married Scott Wyckoff, so I went ahead and googled them and wouldn't you know it - they have a blog! I am adding it HERE today (and in the sidebar, of course). Now hopefully they will send me their email address so that I can ask them (PRETTY PLEASE) to help me (and the other '94 couples) to plan next year's reunion. I also managed to track down another couple, Miriam Hassard and Thayne Cloward - it turns out they live right down the street from my parents. Good Heavens, the list of MARRIEDS is getting long!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Looking back...

So I joined facebook last week. It's interesting... I never did MySpace or anything like that so I have nothing to compare it to, but ever since I added my picture - people I don't even know keep trying to "add me as their friend". I don't know if this is a compliment or just creepy (needless to say I AM NOT adding them). Anyway, the main reason I joined was to track down classmates. It seemed like a reasonable enough idea and it was... until I found the list of SFHS '94 grads and went about sending them messages about this blog. THEN stupid Facebook kicked me off and called me a spammer!
I guess, in hindsight, I was fulfilling the definition of a "spammer". But still I am hurt. They let me back on and now I am getting a whole new insight into my younger siblings/cousins lives (at least, their Facebook lives). It has me wondering what the world would have been like for us back in our highschool days if we had had access to cell phones and the internet! I'm kind of glad we didn't, things were much simpler back then, don't you think?
I can already hear my future teenagers saying things like "Mom, are you SERIOUS? How did you SURVIVE without them"?! And I'll just be thinking "I only wish I could take you back with me... ahhhh the good old days"! -Jamie
I guess, in hindsight, I was fulfilling the definition of a "spammer". But still I am hurt. They let me back on and now I am getting a whole new insight into my younger siblings/cousins lives (at least, their Facebook lives). It has me wondering what the world would have been like for us back in our highschool days if we had had access to cell phones and the internet! I'm kind of glad we didn't, things were much simpler back then, don't you think?
I can already hear my future teenagers saying things like "Mom, are you SERIOUS? How did you SURVIVE without them"?! And I'll just be thinking "I only wish I could take you back with me... ahhhh the good old days"! -Jamie
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Even if we already have your blog, we would still LOVE to have your email address! Wouldn't it just be so nice to send out one giant email about the class reunion? YES, it most certainly would. I promise not to send you any spam or other junk... really, I promise! Send a little "hello" to sfhs1994@gmail.com - it's that simple! THANK YOU!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
A New Blog...
Welcome Garrett Andersen to the blog! Also, thanks everyone for your comments and emails on tracking down our classmates. An email address for everyone on our list is the IDEAL situation (it is the fastest, cheapest, and easiest way to send a message), but all the info. you are sending in is getting us a step closer to finding that!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
I don't have a lot of time to post right now, but here's a new blog for you to enjoy! Welcome Julie Staheli Barney to the SFHS 1994 Class Blog!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Look Alikes...
We've got another blog to add today! I have to say I wasn't 100% positive this was her (it seems we parents never get around to posting pics of ourselves) until I saw a picture of her little girl getting ready for a dance review - she was the spitting image of the Marcie I went to elementary school with! Welcome Marcie Romero Isaac to the Spanish Fork High School Class of 1994 blog!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Help wanted...please!
Let's see if we can start tracking down our classmates! We are looking for anything YOU might know that can help us to find these people... an email address, phone #, last known address OR even an email address of a parent or sibling of someone on this list might get us a step closer - you never know! Go ahead and email any info. you may have to sfhs1994@gmail.com or just leave a comment on here. I think I'll just post them up alphabetically over time... here are the A's and some of the B's: (UPDATED)
Clayton Abbey, Ashley Aldous, Teena Alldredge, Heather Allred, Amy Anderson, Brian Andrew, Matthew Argyle, Chris Astin, Tyler Averett, Lesa Baadsgaard, Ilene Baker, Amber Ballinger, David Bandley, Mark Bangerter, Kimberly Banks, Curtis Barney, Zack Bauer, Bryant Beardall,Corrissa Bentley, Peter Bernards, Steven Bernards, Tennille Bingham, Josh Bischoff, Christina Blackburn, Chet Blackham, Heath Bloomfield, Melissa Boren, Casey Boulter, Tyson Brackett
After I get a solid email or physical address than I will delete them from the list (one by one)...
Monday, September 29, 2008
Pull. The. LIONS. Tail!!!!
Someone else has found us. Welcome Jordan Rolfe to the blog! Also, I noticed on their blog that they are linked to the Payson High Class of '94 blog (I thought I would put the link up for you, in case any of you were interested in seeing our old rivals ).
Thursday, September 25, 2008
MORE from the good old days!
"Since we were seniors, we'd decided to go as "sophomores" that year. Please note the nerdy clothes (Although, I don't know who decided that plaid flannel shirts were the epitome of nerdy. We all seem to be wearing them.) We also duct-taped ourselves (yes, it made it a little difficult to walk, but it was well worth it for the authenticity) and stuck on endearing signs -- sophomore class favorites like . . . "Kick Me! I'm a Sophomore!", "Make Me Push a Penny!", "Sophomores Rule!" and "Where's the Game Room?" We also sported our student handbooks. You know, in case we got lost.
Pictured here are Dave Hurst, me, Alyse Christensen, Mike Healey, Tiffany Oviatt, and Gilman Woolsey. (Okay, Dave and Gilman had actually already graduated, but they were persuaded to come back to SFHS for one last fling.) We were the definite favorites of the sophomore class that night. But hey, what were they doing at the dance anyway?" -Jami (Bliss) Jensen
"Oh, and P.S. -- the kleenex stuffed up Gilman's nose was not part of the costume . . . he'd actually gotten a bloody nose that night. Luckily, it just blended right in. Thanks for keeping it real, Gilman."

I love this one from Sophomore year... and as a sidenote - this was documentation of Michelle Measom and Ben Marziale's first date. And we all know how that turned out (if you don't know what I'm talking about you can check out this blog here)!

Let's keep 'em coming... email your Masquerade pics to sfhs1994@gmail.com!!!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
The Good Old Days...
Blogs are boring without pictures... right? I thought you might like this one, it's an oldy - but a goody, so to speak. This one is particularly confusing for my kids. They can see that both Zak and I are in it (and I appear to be pregnant), but we are with "other" people! Scandalous!
If you are wondering about the "creative" costumes... I remember we went to the D. I. and each person was given $10.00 to purchase an outfit for their date. The guys thought it would be hilarious to buy maternity clothes for us (they even bought little pillows to stuff under our shirts). I'm not sure what theme we girls were going for, but we had a lot of fun that night. We even rode around in the back of one of the Morley's dump trucks (complete with blankets and mattresses for comfort) ON THE FREEWAY and Mark was kind enough to actually dump us out at the highschool. Can you even imagine letting your kids do something like that these days???

If you have any old pics of Masquerade scan them in (big ones work the best) and email them to me at sfhs1994@gmail.com and I will get them posted on here!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Another reason to post...
We've got 1 more to add today! Welcome Heather Lassen Youd to the blog! Let's keep 'em coming folks... how? I don't really know, but whatever you're doing just keep doing it - it's working!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
I've been blog slacking lately and having nothing to post about really annoys me... so I went out blogstalking and found just what I needed on some of our fellow classmate blogs...
It seems that some of our classmates, 3 of which are listed in our blogroll and one who shall remain nameless (she blogs anonymously so I'm not going to give you the link to her blog, but it can't be helped if you are smart enough to figure it out...really) participate in a fun little blog called Friday Free For All. I don't know exactly how it works, I think there is a topic posted each Friday and then sometime during the next week they write about it and then somehow they get points?
It seems that some of our classmates, 3 of which are listed in our blogroll and one who shall remain nameless (she blogs anonymously so I'm not going to give you the link to her blog, but it can't be helped if you are smart enough to figure it out...really) participate in a fun little blog called Friday Free For All. I don't know exactly how it works, I think there is a topic posted each Friday and then sometime during the next week they write about it and then somehow they get points?
Whatever it is, I have enjoyed reading their FFA blogs for quite some time. Last Friday's was particularly fun with the topic being "Memories of Junior High (repressed or otherwise)". Here is the link to Jami Bliss funny post about Jr. High - oh the good old days of greasy food and singing valentines (and if you enjoy the post, you must read the comments - they are just as funny). Thanks Jami for giving me a reason to laugh today! And here is my contribution to your FFA...
A genuine map of the Spanish Fork Intermediate School, complete with room #'s and Teacher's last names!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Party Planning...
It's been a good week for adding to our blog! I found another classmate who has decided to join the blogosphere (is that a word?)... Abbie Jensen Higginson! Visit her site and see the cool parties she gets to go to (and help plan). I'm thinking maybe I should call her about heading up next years reunion (she didn't marry someone from our class, but she did marry someone from our class's brother, that's close enough right?). Read all about them here and on her blog and you decide...
UPDATE** just a clarification, the link to Abbie's blog is found by clicking on her name. If you click on the "here" link above - it just takes you to a link on Sandra Forsey's blog where she describes a really cool party that was planned by Abbie - does that make sense? Sorry for the confusion.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
And another one...
I just got an email from another alumni! Let's all welcome Cody Bradford to the blog! I think this would be an appropriate time to tell my only memories of Cody from back in the high school days... (also, it will make this post a little more interesting).
Well, only slightly more interesting... I had you all going there for a minute! The only thing I can really remember is Cody sleeping in seminary class and poor Bro. Carpenter trying his hardest to get him to wake up, EVERYDAY!
Well, only slightly more interesting... I had you all going there for a minute! The only thing I can really remember is Cody sleeping in seminary class and poor Bro. Carpenter trying his hardest to get him to wake up, EVERYDAY!
Monday, September 8, 2008
The list is growing...
It's really helpful when older or younger siblings of our classmates are added on the other SFHS Class sites... it quite often leads to finding a fellow '94 friend. And that is how I came across the blog of Sean Conroy! Welcome to our blog!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Summer Fun!
So they made me wait clear 'till now to add their blog because they wanted to put a whole summer flashback post on there. It is a little long but well worth it... especially if you want to read about Ben's creative antidote for a jellyfish sting (let me just say it involves urine and his kids). Without further ado... welcome Ben and Michelle (Measom) Marziale to the SF Class blog!
sidenote: remember that I can't post them separately now, so they will be listed under Marziale on the blogroll (I've had to do that with all the '94 couples)
sidenote: remember that I can't post them separately now, so they will be listed under Marziale on the blogroll (I've had to do that with all the '94 couples)
A Poll
After seeing this on another SF Class website, I couldn't resist putting up a poll of our own in the sidebar. It's pretty generic, but interesting nonetheless (I was thinking that was all one word, but it just looks funny, oh well) so go and vote!
Also, if you have any ideas for polls to post up on here... well just leave me a comment and I'll get right on that.
And as far as that goes... if you have ANY ideas at all as to how I can keep things interesting around here - for petesake let me know (can you tell I'm running low on inspiration)!
Also, if you have any ideas for polls to post up on here... well just leave me a comment and I'll get right on that.
And as far as that goes... if you have ANY ideas at all as to how I can keep things interesting around here - for petesake let me know (can you tell I'm running low on inspiration)!
Friday, September 5, 2008
We've got another one to add today! Welcome Lori White Harding to the Spanish Fork High School Class of '94 blog!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Clean it up!
Today we welcome Kenion Davis to the blog! And for all you car fanatics... here is a link to his business, Davis Classic Detailing & Accessories over in Payson. I've been checking out his blog and I'm starting to feel the need to head over there and see how well he does with smashed cheerios and spilled Frosties from Wendy's... yeah, my burb could use a little spiffing up!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Trying something new...
I am going to be slowly converting our link list to a blog list. This will give us a better view of the blogs and who has updated recently, I think? Anyhoo... it's going to take a couple of days, so be patient with me.
UPDATE*** The only problem I've run into so far is that it won't let me list a site more than once, so I've had to combine the married couples from our class into one (check mine out for an example).
UPDATE*** The only problem I've run into so far is that it won't let me list a site more than once, so I've had to combine the married couples from our class into one (check mine out for an example).
I'm back...
I checked email first thing this morning and was happy to find a full inbox of messages WITH 3 more blogs to add! YAY!
Here they are:
http://cosmicapocalypse.blogspot.com/ Lindsay Brimhall Wolsey
http://theorrfamily3.blogspot.com/ Kelly Bandley Orr
http://downpainelane.blogspot.com/ Dawn Andrus (soon to be Paine)
I would also like to say that we stopped in at the 3 Strikes Cafe on our way home from our trip last night and it was wonderful! They had their Grand Opening over the weekend, congrats Candace!!! I highly recommend the Philly Steak sandwich and the potato salad! My kids favorite part was the Big League chewing gum that they sell there. Also, the cinnamon rolls are awesome, I'm craving one right now! Zak said the only thing missing was the smell of cows and that creaky old swinging door... oh how we all miss the Burger Barn (Candace got a kick out of that). If you are in or around the Payson area, make sure you stop by the 3 Strikes Cafe (it's off the WalMart exit by Hunan City). For more info. go to the link in the sidebar under Classmates business section and click on Candace Carlisle Wilson's link!
Here they are:
http://cosmicapocalypse.blogspot.com/ Lindsay Brimhall Wolsey
http://theorrfamily3.blogspot.com/ Kelly Bandley Orr
http://downpainelane.blogspot.com/ Dawn Andrus (soon to be Paine)
I would also like to say that we stopped in at the 3 Strikes Cafe on our way home from our trip last night and it was wonderful! They had their Grand Opening over the weekend, congrats Candace!!! I highly recommend the Philly Steak sandwich and the potato salad! My kids favorite part was the Big League chewing gum that they sell there. Also, the cinnamon rolls are awesome, I'm craving one right now! Zak said the only thing missing was the smell of cows and that creaky old swinging door... oh how we all miss the Burger Barn (Candace got a kick out of that). If you are in or around the Payson area, make sure you stop by the 3 Strikes Cafe (it's off the WalMart exit by Hunan City). For more info. go to the link in the sidebar under Classmates business section and click on Candace Carlisle Wilson's link!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Calling all Las Chalitas!
I just received this post...
"Jamie, Just a thought, if you want to or if you will put a post on the blog that all past members of the SFHS drill team are having a reunion and dancing at the Homecoming game on Sept 5, there is practice and a dinner on Sept 4. Michelle Boyack, the drill team advisor, couldn't get hold of everyone...if anyone knows of anyone that used to be on the drill team call Michelle Boyack, she lives here in SF. OR anyone who wants to come watch ladies that think they still GOT IT, come on down!
Thanks, Shantelle (Barber) Martinez"
Sept. 4th
5:30 main gym - register and reminisce
6-7 - learn & practice in groups
7:30-8:30 Dinner in cafeteria
8:30-10 practice @ football field
10pm - go home and hope you can walk the next day.
Sept. 5th
6pm- meet in main gym to run routine, get fixed up.
I don't know about you guys, but I'd love to see who's still GOT IT! And I'm really hoping they still have these outfits around...

Susie, Kristine, Candace, and Amy - You can thank me later for finding this gem and posting it on here for all the world to see! Seriously though, doesn't this pic just take you back...
If anyone else has any pictures of the drill team you want me to post just email them to sfhs1994@gmail.com and I'll get right on that!
"Jamie, Just a thought, if you want to or if you will put a post on the blog that all past members of the SFHS drill team are having a reunion and dancing at the Homecoming game on Sept 5, there is practice and a dinner on Sept 4. Michelle Boyack, the drill team advisor, couldn't get hold of everyone...if anyone knows of anyone that used to be on the drill team call Michelle Boyack, she lives here in SF. OR anyone who wants to come watch ladies that think they still GOT IT, come on down!
Thanks, Shantelle (Barber) Martinez"
Sept. 4th
5:30 main gym - register and reminisce
6-7 - learn & practice in groups
7:30-8:30 Dinner in cafeteria
8:30-10 practice @ football field
10pm - go home and hope you can walk the next day.
Sept. 5th
6pm- meet in main gym to run routine, get fixed up.
I don't know about you guys, but I'd love to see who's still GOT IT! And I'm really hoping they still have these outfits around...

Susie, Kristine, Candace, and Amy - You can thank me later for finding this gem and posting it on here for all the world to see! Seriously though, doesn't this pic just take you back...
If anyone else has any pictures of the drill team you want me to post just email them to sfhs1994@gmail.com and I'll get right on that!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Poor me... or not
I was just sitting here lamenting the fact that I had nothing new to post about and nobody to add to the site... poor me. THEN (out of boredom)I checked my email one more time and wouldn't you know it - there was a brand new email waiting for me with a new blog to add! I'm so easy to please it's kind of sad... But let's forget about that and move right to welcoming our newest blogger, Jenny Gordon King! Thanks Jenny, you totally made my day!
I should mention here that (contrary to popular opinion possibly due to the fact that I so diligently keep up with things on this blog AND regularly mention my blogstalking) I DO HAVE A LIFE! And sadly (for this blog, not for me) I will be leaving town for a few days where hopefully I will be having so much fun I won't even remember to check the computer! I'm trying to get a back up plan in place because I just hate to think of getting behind on things around here! Cross your fingers...
I should mention here that (contrary to popular opinion possibly due to the fact that I so diligently keep up with things on this blog AND regularly mention my blogstalking) I DO HAVE A LIFE! And sadly (for this blog, not for me) I will be leaving town for a few days where hopefully I will be having so much fun I won't even remember to check the computer! I'm trying to get a back up plan in place because I just hate to think of getting behind on things around here! Cross your fingers...
Monday, August 25, 2008
Just a quick reminder that Jonathan Swenson's blog is going private sometime today. I've listed the blog with an email address if you want an invite. His wife Andrea has started a fun blog with some of her friends. I've been following it since it started up a week or so ago and I've already learned some interesting things... check out this post here and you ladies can learn a little secret about wedding dresses.
Friday, August 22, 2008
I don't want to...
...but I just might have to! If somebody doesn't respond soon to April's email pleas for pics and updates, then we are going to have start pulling out pictures from the good old days to post on here! How's that for a threat (feel free to send any of those our way too)! Today I have the pleasure of announcing 2 more classmate's blogs!!!
First we will welcome Karen Ekins Pedersen who has been spying on our blog for quite some time and just decided to "go for it" and join us in the blogging world!
And Second, we have Jerry Hadlock. I found his blog from a link on his sister's blog which is listed on the Class of '92 blog!
Sorry if you are all bored by the long explanations, but I do get asked the question "How did you find me?" A LOT!
First we will welcome Karen Ekins Pedersen who has been spying on our blog for quite some time and just decided to "go for it" and join us in the blogging world!
And Second, we have Jerry Hadlock. I found his blog from a link on his sister's blog which is listed on the Class of '92 blog!
Sorry if you are all bored by the long explanations, but I do get asked the question "How did you find me?" A LOT!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Name ring a bell?
I really hate not having anything fun to post about and especially NO new blogs to add sooooo..... I had to go out into the "world wide web" and do some blog stalking and wouldn't you know it - I found someone! In case you are wondering about my technique, let me just give it to you straight... First I went to google blogsearch and I typed in Spanish Fork High School (It just seemed like the thing to do). From there I saw that someone had mentioned randomly about visiting the Llama fest in S.F. as one of their favorite things to do. I thought this was weird enough to rate a look so I clicked and found... nothing. That is until I looked over on the sidebar at her list of friends and saw the words "Jason's Jargon". Now you may or may not have read the high school newspaper back in the day, but if you did, chances are pretty good that that name would ring a bell. I clicked on the link and read the "jargon" and thought the odds were improving that it was indeed Jason Ray Lundell of the SFHS class of 1994 (Read the July 13th post and you will see what I mean). My suspicions were confirmed after clicking on the "other blogs" link on the sidebar entitled Jason and Jan and seeing a familiar face. So now I'm adding Jason Lundell and I've accomplished my goal of finding someone new after less than 5 minutes of blogstalking. It's almost scary.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Spanish Fork High School Blog
Another Spanish Fork High School Blog!!! Have you ever wondered what happened to those "cool" seniors we once admired... it turns out they are all old now (just kidding)! You can check out the Class of 1992 here and in the sidebar. If you know anyone from their class let them know and help spread the word! And if you are reading this from the Class of '92, I really was kidding!
Monday, August 18, 2008
New blog and an explanation!
Today we are adding Eric Swenson to the list, let's all give him a big welcome!

And now for a little explanation... There's been a little differing of views between myself and some of the other class moderators (not class of '94, but other years) as to whether it is O.K. to add people to our blog list without getting permission first. If you've been following our site from the beginning you know that I started out NOT asking and then I quickly switched to getting permission before listing a site because we had two classmates who blog "publicly but anonymously" and they asked to be removed from our list (it is important to note here that they were not mad). THEN I went back to not asking due to a variety of reasons, here are just a few...
Reason #1: First and foremost, almost NO ONE ever replied back. Then I would forget who I had asked already and it was a lot of work trying to keep lists of people and their blog addresses in queue while waiting for a response. And some people thought that I had added their blog and that by asking I was letting them know. So I would get emails later from them asking why their blog wasn't added, because I had asked? It's all very confusing...
Reason #2: Sometimes I would have a sibling or a friend of a classmate leave a comment with a blog address for us to use and then I would leave a comment on the classmate's blog asking permission to use it. And then I would wait, and wait, and.... well you get the idea. So after a little investigating, usually they (our classmate) would respond with "I thought someone already gave you my blog address".
Reason #3: A lot of times (usually with the guys) the spouse runs the blog and they don't know us from Adam! So they see my comment and wait around to ask their spouse about and in the meantime they usually forget.
Reason #4: It's just EASIER! If I come across a blog, or someone else gives me the heads up on a new blog, the simplest thing to do is add it to the list and leave a comment on their blog letting them know what I have done. Then, if they ask to be removed I can easily get on it and take care of it. Other than those first two unusual situations, I have never had anyone ask to be removed from our list. I would like to note here that if it looks like someone is trying to blog "anonymously" - not using names or pictures, than I do make an exception and ask permission.
Reason #5: I just figure that if your blog is public than you expect that people can and will find you. That is the nature of the internet.
Reason #6: What fun is a site with nobody listed? If you have the same 10 people on the site (and they happen to have all been buddies in highschool) all the time, then people are less likely to see something they want to be a part of. They see it more as a gathering place for that particular group and can feel awkward asking for an invite. You've got to get lots of different people on there and make it something people want to check out regularly.
O.K. so no more reasons for now. I'm pretty sure I've gotten it all out of my system! I just wanted you all to know why I've chosen to do it this way. I hope you get that I'm not trying to offend anyone or make them mad, just doing what's easiest and (in my mind) best for the growth of the site.

And now for a little explanation... There's been a little differing of views between myself and some of the other class moderators (not class of '94, but other years) as to whether it is O.K. to add people to our blog list without getting permission first. If you've been following our site from the beginning you know that I started out NOT asking and then I quickly switched to getting permission before listing a site because we had two classmates who blog "publicly but anonymously" and they asked to be removed from our list (it is important to note here that they were not mad). THEN I went back to not asking due to a variety of reasons, here are just a few...
Reason #1: First and foremost, almost NO ONE ever replied back. Then I would forget who I had asked already and it was a lot of work trying to keep lists of people and their blog addresses in queue while waiting for a response. And some people thought that I had added their blog and that by asking I was letting them know. So I would get emails later from them asking why their blog wasn't added, because I had asked? It's all very confusing...
Reason #2: Sometimes I would have a sibling or a friend of a classmate leave a comment with a blog address for us to use and then I would leave a comment on the classmate's blog asking permission to use it. And then I would wait, and wait, and.... well you get the idea. So after a little investigating, usually they (our classmate) would respond with "I thought someone already gave you my blog address".
Reason #3: A lot of times (usually with the guys) the spouse runs the blog and they don't know us from Adam! So they see my comment and wait around to ask their spouse about and in the meantime they usually forget.
Reason #4: It's just EASIER! If I come across a blog, or someone else gives me the heads up on a new blog, the simplest thing to do is add it to the list and leave a comment on their blog letting them know what I have done. Then, if they ask to be removed I can easily get on it and take care of it. Other than those first two unusual situations, I have never had anyone ask to be removed from our list. I would like to note here that if it looks like someone is trying to blog "anonymously" - not using names or pictures, than I do make an exception and ask permission.
Reason #5: I just figure that if your blog is public than you expect that people can and will find you. That is the nature of the internet.
Reason #6: What fun is a site with nobody listed? If you have the same 10 people on the site (and they happen to have all been buddies in highschool) all the time, then people are less likely to see something they want to be a part of. They see it more as a gathering place for that particular group and can feel awkward asking for an invite. You've got to get lots of different people on there and make it something people want to check out regularly.
O.K. so no more reasons for now. I'm pretty sure I've gotten it all out of my system! I just wanted you all to know why I've chosen to do it this way. I hope you get that I'm not trying to offend anyone or make them mad, just doing what's easiest and (in my mind) best for the growth of the site.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Private blogs...

It was bound to happen sooner or later... someone on our list is going private. I think we have a pretty good system set up to deal with private blogs (listing the email address under the name of the classmate so you can email them to ask for an invite), BUT I am wondering if there is an even better way, one where when you click on the blog link you don't get that disappointing "Sorry, You're not invited" sign. Lately I have been toying with the idea of having those with private blogs set up a "fake" blog. I was thinking, since setting up blogs is so easy, that you could just set up a blog which maybe has a current picture or a slideshow and a maybe just one post that says "Here we are and thanks for stopping by - we have another blog (our real one) and it's private. If you want to be invited to view that blog, just leave a comment with your email address and we will set up the invite". I don't know, you guys tell me what you think? I'm just sure there are a lot of people who don't feel comfortable or close enough to ask for an invite (which, you could argue, is THE POINT) so maybe I'm just off on a tangent here. I just think it would be nice to have something to look at vs. nothing!
Oh and the classmate's blog that is going private is Jonathan Swenson. You've got a couple of days left to view it (I think) and it looks like his wife will be setting up a link to a new "ideas" blog. Which should be pretty good, because she had some good ideas about things on her blog. So check it out!
Oh and the classmate's blog that is going private is Jonathan Swenson. You've got a couple of days left to view it (I think) and it looks like his wife will be setting up a link to a new "ideas" blog. Which should be pretty good, because she had some good ideas about things on her blog. So check it out!
JUST A QUICK NOTE (added on Dec. 31st, 2008) Jonathan Swenson's blog is no longer private and Amy Bartholomew took me up on the "fake blog" idea - you can find her blog in the sidebar and see what I mean.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Lot's to look at today!
I recently stumbled onto (o.k. I was blog stalking, but "stumbled onto" sounds better) the blog of our classmate (and Rachel Barber's now sis-n-law - I just like to point out these connections), Michelle Button Evans. Her blog is quite nice, as you can see she is just starting it out, but what I found to be the most fun was her FLICKR page and her Photography Blog AND as if all that isn't enough, it appears that she will soon be starting up another business (which, if you were looking at all the cool pics of her home on the flickr page you know will be amazing!) with woodwork. Why does all the talent and creativity seem to go to one person? Seriously, I could use just a smidgeon and I'd be O.K.! But I digress, go and visit the above mentioned sites and prepare to be amazed! (I will add the links in the business section also so we can all check back regularly)
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Welcome, Welcome!!!
I'm so excited to announce that 2 more classmates have found us!
Marlo Robertson Smith
Helen Hjorth Farr
Everyone give them a nice big welcome by visiting their site and leaving them a comment or two!
Marlo Robertson Smith
Helen Hjorth Farr
Everyone give them a nice big welcome by visiting their site and leaving them a comment or two!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Oh Baby...
While we are waiting for people to send in their info. to April (hint hint) so we can get some more interesting posts on here, I have to rack my brains for interesting little tidbits about our fellow '94 graduates. In the process of doing this, I recalled a "funny" (I'm not sure if they would label it funny, but I couldn't come up with a better word) story that I saw on the news back in January of 2007. Here is the copy of a post I put on a website my friends and I have...
"Hey everyone, Zak and I were watching the news tonight and they showed video of this woman in the hospital with her new baby that she delivered on the freeway and Zak said she looked familiar, but who would we know on the national news segment? I said it looked like Todd Miller's wife and sure enough it was Jenny Miller (formerly Jenny Lee, you know Caralissa's little sis) so I googled this news article to post for you all to read:
Little one makes a big entrance — on Interstate 5
By Jennifer Sullivan Seattle Times staff reporter
Todd Miller sped south on Interstate 5, telling his wife, Jenny, not to push through her contractions. The Brier couple were only a few miles from Northwest Hospital & Medical Center in Seattle on Friday when Jenny Miller felt the baby crowning and couldn't wait any longer. Todd, a registered nurse who works in an orthopedic clinic, pulled onto the shoulder and crouched below his wife.It took only two pushes for Jenny Miller, 29, to deliver the couple's fourth child. Shortly after 8 a.m., Ian McKay Miller, weighing 6 pounds, 7 ounces, was born feet from morning rush-hour traffic. Paramedics who responded to Todd Miller's 911 cell phone call let the 31-year-old father cut the umbilical cord."The baby is great, and I'm great," Jenny Miller said, speaking from her room at Northwest on Friday evening. Jenny Miller, a stay-at-home mom, laughs at how quickly Ian was born. The baby's due date was Jan. 25. "It was a big surprise. It has kind of taken a while to sink in," she said. "The other three I had epidurals with." The Millers planned to bring Ian home Friday night so he could join his siblings, ages 3, 4 and 7. Jennifer Sullivan: 206-464-8294 or jensullivan@seattletimes.com"
Back then I remember you could pull up a video showing them, but I can't seem to find the link anymore. Here is a link to the actual news article (so you know I'm not making this up)... http://www.kgw.com/sharedcontent/APStories/stories/D8MG0GOO9.html
And to Todd and Jenny - we sure are glad you had this experience so we could all have something fun to read today! Just kidding...
Anybody have anything of interest, related to '94 alumni, that we could post? Email us at sfhs1994@gmail.com
****I found the video link (it was on their blog)... Just click on "Meet the happy family"... http://www.king5.com/topstories/stories/NW_010507WABfreewaybabyKC.1104d1c8.html
"Hey everyone, Zak and I were watching the news tonight and they showed video of this woman in the hospital with her new baby that she delivered on the freeway and Zak said she looked familiar, but who would we know on the national news segment? I said it looked like Todd Miller's wife and sure enough it was Jenny Miller (formerly Jenny Lee, you know Caralissa's little sis) so I googled this news article to post for you all to read:
Little one makes a big entrance — on Interstate 5
By Jennifer Sullivan Seattle Times staff reporter
Todd Miller sped south on Interstate 5, telling his wife, Jenny, not to push through her contractions. The Brier couple were only a few miles from Northwest Hospital & Medical Center in Seattle on Friday when Jenny Miller felt the baby crowning and couldn't wait any longer. Todd, a registered nurse who works in an orthopedic clinic, pulled onto the shoulder and crouched below his wife.It took only two pushes for Jenny Miller, 29, to deliver the couple's fourth child. Shortly after 8 a.m., Ian McKay Miller, weighing 6 pounds, 7 ounces, was born feet from morning rush-hour traffic. Paramedics who responded to Todd Miller's 911 cell phone call let the 31-year-old father cut the umbilical cord."The baby is great, and I'm great," Jenny Miller said, speaking from her room at Northwest on Friday evening. Jenny Miller, a stay-at-home mom, laughs at how quickly Ian was born. The baby's due date was Jan. 25. "It was a big surprise. It has kind of taken a while to sink in," she said. "The other three I had epidurals with." The Millers planned to bring Ian home Friday night so he could join his siblings, ages 3, 4 and 7. Jennifer Sullivan: 206-464-8294 or jensullivan@seattletimes.com"
Back then I remember you could pull up a video showing them, but I can't seem to find the link anymore. Here is a link to the actual news article (so you know I'm not making this up)... http://www.kgw.com/sharedcontent/APStories/stories/D8MG0GOO9.html
And to Todd and Jenny - we sure are glad you had this experience so we could all have something fun to read today! Just kidding...
Anybody have anything of interest, related to '94 alumni, that we could post? Email us at sfhs1994@gmail.com
****I found the video link (it was on their blog)... Just click on "Meet the happy family"... http://www.king5.com/topstories/stories/NW_010507WABfreewaybabyKC.1104d1c8.html
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Spanish Fork Highschool Class of 1994 Alumni

Today I'd like to add a business website link from another of our talented classmates, Allison Black Johnson, who takes beautiful pictures! Unfortunately for those of us outside of Oklahoma (where she lives) we might not get to take advantage of her services. Although one of the advantages of a photography business is that you can take your work with you wherever you go... so if you were really wanting to hire her you could probably figure out when she might be coming home to visit. As for everyone else, well, you can just visit her site and look at all the pretty pictures!
Friday, August 8, 2008
SFHS '94 alumni fun links...
A couple of fun links to post today having to do with fellow '94 classmates...
First, remember good old Jerry's Dairy/Burger Barn in Salem and how it was owned and operated by one of our classmates Dad? Well, she - Candace Carlisle Wilson - has decided to follow in her parents footsteps and open up a restaraunt of her own in Payson! I am posting the link to a blog all about it right here! Take a look and we'll keep you updated on the grand opening so we can all go check it out! Good luck Candace!
Second, (and let's hope Dawn doesn't kill me for this, although I'm pretty sure she's so wrapped up in other things right now she won't even know - unless someone tells her, so let's not do that O.K.).... Anyways, fellow '94 alumni Dawn Andrus is getting married (YAY) and recently had her engagement session highlighted on this blog here as well as here- so check it out!
If you know of any of our classmates who have a business link or something fun for us to look at, LET US KNOW! Thanks...
First, remember good old Jerry's Dairy/Burger Barn in Salem and how it was owned and operated by one of our classmates Dad? Well, she - Candace Carlisle Wilson - has decided to follow in her parents footsteps and open up a restaraunt of her own in Payson! I am posting the link to a blog all about it right here! Take a look and we'll keep you updated on the grand opening so we can all go check it out! Good luck Candace!
Second, (and let's hope Dawn doesn't kill me for this, although I'm pretty sure she's so wrapped up in other things right now she won't even know - unless someone tells her, so let's not do that O.K.).... Anyways, fellow '94 alumni Dawn Andrus is getting married (YAY) and recently had her engagement session highlighted on this blog here as well as here- so check it out!
If you know of any of our classmates who have a business link or something fun for us to look at, LET US KNOW! Thanks...
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Another SFHS Class blog AND news...
Class of 1993 has joined in the fun! If you know of anyone to add to their list, let them know!
Also, welcome April Baadsgaard Moody as a moderator on the site! She joins Rachael Gordon and I in making this site more fun! April is going to be tracking down classmates who do not have blogs and getting some fun pictures and an update on their lives. She will then post it on here for us all to enjoy. We think this will be a lot of fun - so watch for an email from April! And to those of you without blogs, if you want to just get a headstart on things (or get it over with) you can just email the pics and info. to sfhs1994@gmail.com and April will get going on making your post! If you would like to see an example of what we are talking about, click here to see another school's class website. You might have to scroll down a little, I believe they title their posts with "Davis High Class of 98 Now" or something like that. Anyways, you get the picture!
Last, but not least, If any of you bloggers haven't done so already -would you add our link http://sfhs1994.blogspot.com/ to your blog rolls or somewhere in your sidebars? Thanks! If anyone has any suggestions on how we could improve things or have more fun on here -just leave a comment!
Also, welcome April Baadsgaard Moody as a moderator on the site! She joins Rachael Gordon and I in making this site more fun! April is going to be tracking down classmates who do not have blogs and getting some fun pictures and an update on their lives. She will then post it on here for us all to enjoy. We think this will be a lot of fun - so watch for an email from April! And to those of you without blogs, if you want to just get a headstart on things (or get it over with) you can just email the pics and info. to sfhs1994@gmail.com and April will get going on making your post! If you would like to see an example of what we are talking about, click here to see another school's class website. You might have to scroll down a little, I believe they title their posts with "Davis High Class of 98 Now" or something like that. Anyways, you get the picture!
Last, but not least, If any of you bloggers haven't done so already -would you add our link http://sfhs1994.blogspot.com/ to your blog rolls or somewhere in your sidebars? Thanks! If anyone has any suggestions on how we could improve things or have more fun on here -just leave a comment!
Monday, August 4, 2008
Spanish Fork High School Class Blog
My OCD can rest in peace now... Class of 2004 has started a blog! If you know anyone who graduated then, let them know!
*Although, now I'm wondering about the older graduating classes? Anyone know any bloggers from those classes, maybe we can get them to start up a site? Just a thought...
*Although, now I'm wondering about the older graduating classes? Anyone know any bloggers from those classes, maybe we can get them to start up a site? Just a thought...
Cute as a Button!
Today's addition... Rachel Barber Button. Everyone should check out her site just to see the adorable recent addition to their family - cutest baby ever!
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Marty's Funky Bunch...
If you want to see what I'm talking about (in the post title) visit Shantelle Barber Martinez' site!
Friday, August 1, 2008
The list grows and a note on comments!
We've got another one! Check out Alisha Christensen's cute blog. I've found at least two more blogs of classmates, but I'm waiting to see if they respond to my comments before I post them on here. (You guys know who you are... quit making me wait it out - I am not a patient person) Speaking of comments, how come nobody ever comments? Is it because this site is boring or are you all too chicken to admit you stalk this blog? This site averages 71 hits per day and that number grows daily. Also, if you google "Spanish Fork Highschool blogs", guess who comes up on the first page of results? Yes it is us, the good ole' Class of 1994 (none of the other classes even show up) As for reader participation... well it's o.k. To be honest, most people just email me with comments and information and that works too. **TAKE NOTE OF THIS... If you don't have a blog (and I have your email) you will soon be asked to send in some pictures and a little blurb of what you've been up to for the last 14 yrs! Then I will definately have some more exciting posts for you all to peruse. Thanks for stopping by the Spanish Fork High School Class of 1994 blog!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Old Folks...
I'm sure they will appreciate my calling them "old"... well, maybe not. Today I found another SFHS class with a website so I am adding them to our sidebar. Please welcome the SFHS Class of 1988 to the world wide web (hehehe). If any of you are reading this from '88 I just want to say that you guys looked great in the Fiesta Day's Parade last week! On a personal note (personal for me, that is), I've always thought the 20 yr graduates in the parade looked old before so I was more than a little shocked when this time I thought they didn't even look old (in fact, I did lean over to Zak and say "Aren't those guys usually "old"?). I must be getting old or something!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
People do listen to me...
O.K. I'm probably letting this one go to my head a little... or a lot, but the Class of '96 emailed me and let me know they have started a blog at long last! Now if we can just get 2004 to get on the ball, my OCD can get some rest.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Can you feel the love?

Jamie Clark & Zak Dietz
Heidi Tischner & Jeron Wilkinson
Kate Frampton & Dave Esplin
Michelle Measom & Ben Marziale
Heather Stone & Greg Kitchen
Kelly Hendren & Austin Cope
Kristina Bradshaw & Dallas Reid
Julie Nelson & Pat Burnah
Sara Finch & Keith Petersen
Stacey Peterson & Chris Hanks
Miriam Hassard & Thayne Cloward
Shandi Haymore & Scott Wyckoff
Sally Sims & Jacob Hicks
*I would like to add here that Jaime Harrison & Jake Bundy were also married before Jaime was tragically killed in an automoblie accident. (I may work up a post later dedicated to '94 classmates who have passed away so email me with info. if you have any).
**Also, just because you are on this list does not mean that you have to plan the reunion. I just want to make sure that everyone is given the opportunity to say yes or no. Mostly I'm finding support from the wives and "whatever she says" from the husbands... typical!
***LAST BUT NOT LEAST! Please feel free to comment on this post or email me at sfhs1994@gmail.com if you see that I've screwed up or missed someone!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Mystery solved and a new blog!
So it looks like Amy King Clark has joined us (and solved our mystery), welcome! Also, we can welcome Doug Whitehead to the blogging world as well!
Saturday, July 26, 2008
SFHS Class of 1994 Blog Roll and a MYSTERY!
Today we welcome Adam Green to the SFHS Class of 1994 blog roll! (It seems redundant putting all that on there, but it makes us easier to find on google). Speaking of finding people, who is this ????? They are linked to us, so I figure they must be one of us - and yet I'm sure I was the only Clark in our class, so it must be someone's married name... what a mystery. I guess we'll have to wait until they post some pictures or come out of hiding maybe? It's good to have a little excitement sometimes!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
I have superpowers! O.K. maybe not, but I can be very persuasive. I have exercised my powers of persuasion on a good friend and she has joined the blogging world! Everyone welcome Adrienne Cottam Marrott to the site! Now maybe she will persuade her brother in law and fellow '94 classmate Chad to get a blog and let us spy on him, I mean see how he is doing... right?
Intriguing blog address...
"Island Girl and Utah Boy"... sounds interesting right? If you want to know more, visit Brett Robbins blog!
Monday, July 21, 2008
Like Wildfire...
The word about our site (and the other SFHS classes) is spreading quickly as people are gathering here at home for Fiesta Days '08! Make sure you are telling everyone you know! Today we welcome Angie Devenish Warner to the site.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Thursday, July 17, 2008
'02 & '03
Class of 2002 and Class of 2003 have just started blogs. I have added their links in the side bar. The perfectionist in me is really bugged that '96 and '04 are still missing - come on you guys and get your blogs started, if only to satisfy my OCD!
Friday, July 11, 2008
Memory Tag
I noticed that Rachel Gordon is soliciting "memories" on her blog. If you have any of her click here and leave your two cents. Also Amy Bartholomew is doing the same thing and has opened up her blog (meaning it's not private) for a few days so people can comment here. Anyone else who wants to jump on this train, email me at sfhs1994@gmail.com or leave a comment below and I'll get you on here...
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
The list is growing...
Anna Ward Stoddard was added today. Welcome! Also, we've received several emails asking us when the reunion will be next year. A specific date has not been determined yet, however I do know that it will be planned near/during the annual Fiesta Days celebration in good old Spanish Fork. More info. to come.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
A "Twofer"...
Two for one special today! Heather Stone & Greg Kitchen
I would also like to put in a little plug for a website I recently found that takes your blog and turns it into a book! It's just what I've been waiting for so I can stop feeling guilty about all the scrapbooking and journaling that I never seem to get around to. Anyways, feel free to check out www.blurb.com and look around. I found it to be very affordable and per the reviews that I googled it seems like a great site. If any of you have made a blog book from this site or any other will you leave a comment and let us all know about it?
I would also like to put in a little plug for a website I recently found that takes your blog and turns it into a book! It's just what I've been waiting for so I can stop feeling guilty about all the scrapbooking and journaling that I never seem to get around to. Anyways, feel free to check out www.blurb.com and look around. I found it to be very affordable and per the reviews that I googled it seems like a great site. If any of you have made a blog book from this site or any other will you leave a comment and let us all know about it?
In search of...

Friday, June 27, 2008
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Business or pleasure?
Today I am posting a link to Jenny Smith Nielsen! This is not a link to her blog (she told me she is going to get around to making one soon), but is a link to her adorable business! I've been thinking about having a separate section in the sidebar for businesses of class members, what do you think?
UPDATE*** Here is the new link to Jenny Smith Nielsen's blog. I have updated it in on the blog roll. If you would like to visit her business Big Fat Baby I have added a "Classmates Business" section on the side bar and you will find it there.
UPDATE*** Here is the new link to Jenny Smith Nielsen's blog. I have updated it in on the blog roll. If you would like to visit her business Big Fat Baby I have added a "Classmates Business" section on the side bar and you will find it there.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Don't be shy!
It seems that more and more of us are jumping into the world of blogging! Today Camille Hurst Neilson joins us! Anybody else who's been thinking of trying out a blog - don't be shy! They are so easy to set up and maintain. I've noticed that most everyone has chosen to set up with www.blogger.com, but there are other options out there like www.typepad.com and www.wordpress.com. Blogging is a great way to journal and keep your friends and family updated on your life happenings!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Music Anyone?
We've just added a playlist of favorite songs from 1994 and our favorite Victory Dance songs. Do you have a favorite song that takes you back to High School memories? Tell us your favorite song and we'll get it added to the playlist if it's not there already!
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Saturday, June 7, 2008
O.K. So I'm learning as I go... from now on I will ask if you want to be added to the blog roll before I do it, so sorry about that. I was thinking that if you weren't privately blogging than you were o.k. with it, but I can see how you might want it both ways. I have been thinking about ways you could participate if you wanted and haven't come up with much. If anyone has any ideas, post them here. Also, I will set it so that I view all comments before they post so that when people want to give me new blog addresses I can request permission from the blogger before posting. Sound good to everyone? Thanks again and it's nice to see everyone is doing so well.
Friday, June 6, 2008
I stole this idea from the Class of 2000! The basic idea is to have everyone in our class set up a blog and we will post the link here. I know some people have private blogs, we will still set up the link here with an ** next to it. Also, if yours is private and you would like to, we will post your email under your name and those who would like to be invited to your blog can email and ask your permission. Make sense? Any questions or links to new blogs? Just post them in the comments below...
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