Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Good Old Days...

Blogs are boring without pictures... right?  I thought you might like this one, it's an oldy - but a goody, so to speak.   This one is particularly confusing for my kids.  They can see that both Zak and I are in it (and I appear to be pregnant), but we are with "other" people!  Scandalous!

If you are wondering about the "creative" costumes... I remember we went to the D. I. and each person was given $10.00 to purchase an outfit for their date.  The guys thought it would be hilarious to buy maternity clothes for us (they even bought little pillows to stuff under our shirts).  I'm not sure what theme we girls were going for, but we had a lot of fun that night.  We even rode around in the back of one of the Morley's dump trucks (complete with blankets and mattresses for comfort) ON THE FREEWAY and Mark was kind enough to actually dump us out at the highschool.  Can you even imagine letting your kids do something like that these days???

If you have any old pics of Masquerade scan them in (big ones work the best) and email them to me at sfhs1994@gmail.com and I will get them posted on here!