Tuesday, June 3, 2014
How to Pay for the Reunion
This is the only way to pay, and you MUST follow these instructions or we will get money but won't know who it's for (or from).
1. Go to the website: paypal.com
2. Create a new account or login if you already have an account.
*Note* If you create a new account and link it to your bank account it may take 2-3 days to verify your account (when you follow their steps).
3. Click "Send Money" tab at top.
4. In the "to" box type 1994sfhs@gmail.com
5. Enter the total amount that you are paying for ($30 per person, $60 per couple).
6. In the "what are you sending money for?" You MUST click "I'm sending money to family & friends" so that you will not receive additional charges.
*Note* if you pay by bank account set up with paypal account there is no charge - if you pay by debit/credit there is a $0.33 charge.
7. Click "Continue" and you will see a new page (looks like a receipt of sorts).
8. Please fill out the Subject Line: "Reunion Money" and in the "Message" box you MUST fill in who you are paying for (Your name and the name of your guest). If your name has changed since graduation, please note that (ie: maiden name).
Thank you!!
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
20 Year Reunion Info and Save the Date
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Let's get this party started.... RIGHT!
Just a couple of things to discuss...
First, PLEASE feel free to email any pics you took on the big night to sfhs1994@gmail.com and I'll get them posted.
Second, I am not, I repeat AM NOT a professional photographer. I am asking your forgiveness in advance for any "less than perfect" shots. If I get any names wrong (spellings, spouses, etc... please comment and I'll fix it). I tried really hard to get pics of everyone, but it is more than possible that I failed in this... I'm sorry in advance and ask that if you have pics that you send them to me!

Aaron Roach, Aaron Hill, Daishan Roach, Charmay (Cummins) Hill
(you get to figure out who's with who based on the last names)
Leave it to Todd Miller to wear this shirt...
with this skirt...Jenny and Todd Miller

I like to call these two girls "the Barbie wives"... I hope that's o.k.? I personally wouldn't mind being called a barbie.
Kenion and Holly Davis with Tiffany and Brady Roundy
Abbie (Jensen) Higginson visits with Rachael Gordon and her fiancee Brandon.
More THANKS go to these two for planning the fun activities at this year's reunion
Ben and Michelle Marziale
I've got a million more pictures... I'd like to point out that they can be viewed here on Facebook, where I might add, it is much easier to post and connect the pictures to individuals... hint, hint to those who are still avoiding the inevitable.
Oops... I forgot to add that I will slowly, but surely, be posting the rest of my pics up in the next few days.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Directions to reunion...
The address is:
100 E. Maple Street
Mapleton, Utah
Here is a map (use the arrows to move it around and the + and - signs to zoom in and out)...
View Larger Map
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Reason to celebrate...
Now all I've got to do is set up a Paypal button on here so you all can pay up (coming soon)! There are just a couple more details to iron out before then...
ONE MORE THING... I got an email from Connie (Cloward) Phillips the other day and she sent a link to her website for your viewing pleasure... http://www.conniephillips.com/ - check it out!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Where we met... At the home of Austin & Kelly Cope - thanks for hosting us at your lovely home!
Who was there... Austin & Kelly (Hendren) Cope, Greg & Heather (Stone) Kitchen, Michelle (Measom) Marziale & her brand new baby (in place of Ben), Pat & Julie (Nelson) Burnah, and Zak and Jamie (Clark) Dietz. Oh and a bunch of kids! (I'd like to thank the Copes for inviting kids along and letting them run wild both outside and in).
What we did... Well, we talked a lot about kids, jobs, life, etc... THEN we finally got around to the reunion stuff. What can I say? We were having a good time.
So here's what we know...
We have the date for the reunion set for Saturday July 25th, 2009. We all feel it's a good date for several reasons. The main one being that I've received more than a few requests that we coordinate with Fiesta Days because that's when people will be back in town.
Greg & Heather spent a considerable amount of time investigating possible caterers and were prepared with a lengthy list. It all sounded so good, but we eventually narrowed it down to 2 (Bajio's and GoodWood BBQ Company) and took a vote and then I was outvoted... sigh. Despite a last ditch effort by Zak and Austin to sway votes to Little Ceasers $5 pizzas, the votes were tallied and it looks like we will be dining on a menu prepared by GoodWood BBQ Company....mmmm!
We've decided to forgo any major decorating. I can't imagine that decor will be all that important in the long run and we are trying to keep the costs to a minimum. I mean, we are all coming to see each other - not balloons and streamers... right?
Speaking of costs... our goal is to keep it to $15.00 per person ( or $30.00 per couple).
I took on the assignment of posting this announcement, as well as creating a Facebook group page to hopefully get a few more people off the list. We also decided that we aren't going to spend any money on sending out formal invitations (no snail mail). We are sticking to email and internet and hoping that word will spread through these channels. Also, I'm trying to figure out if I can set up some way of taking payment through Paypal that won't eat into our costs, but will make it easy to collect the money and keep track of our guest list. I'm still working on that one.
So far, so good. Now for our biggest hurdle... WHERE to hold the reunion? The perfect place , by this we mean cheap or free yet big enough to host us all comfortably and not too far out of town, has eluded us thus far. Every park and pavilion that we've looked at in town is taken, we checked out the Salem Civic Center (I think that's what it's called) and it is way too expensive, and our last desperate attempt was the lunchroom at the highschool (it's nostalgic, right?). Unfortunately, there is a play that evening so it's a no go! I even called the new Salem High School, but they said they don't allow this kind of thing (whatever that means). SOOOOOO... what to do?
Well, I'm posting this on here in hopes that someone will come up with something that we haven't thought of or one of you is holding out on us and lives in a mansion nearby with lots of space and would like to step up and hold the reunion at your place.
I've put in a couple of calls to some other possibilities and Michelle & Ben are also working diligently towards a solution. I'm confindent something will present itself in due time! I'll keep you all up to date!
I'm sure I'm forgetting something, but for now that's all I can come up with... let us know if you've got an idea for us. Thanks!
UPDATE**Our problem is solved! We have found a place to hold the reunion. Many THANKS to all of you who posted and emailed suggestions. We looked into ALL of them (well, except maybe Carillisa's street plan - which did sound fun, but I can't imagine her neighbors would agree). In the end it was Robyn (Jackson) Stone who saved the day! We have now rented the outdoor pavillion and the Memorial Hall (in case of inclement weather) in Mapleton. And we got a SWEET deal - thanks to Robyn. So the reunion is a go!
Now all I've got to do is set up a Paypal button on here so you all can pay up (coming soon)! There are just a couple more details to iron out before then...
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
In Search Of...
ANYTHING you know about how to reach these guys (see the list below)! Email sfhs1994@gmail.com or leave a comment below... As they are found they will be deleted off the list.
I have received lots of info. (thanks) and I am following up on it. I won't usually cross someone off the list until I have confirmed the info. (as in - hearing back from the person in question), so it could take a little while. Thanks for your patience.
Clayton Abbey ---------------------------- ---------------------Teena Alldredge
Amy Anderson ----------------------Brian Andrew-------------------------------Jeff Argyle
Classmates who have passed away...
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
A Good Deed...
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Another one, or two...
Thursday, January 29, 2009
"Super" News

Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Wouldn't it be cool...

Thursday, January 22, 2009
Pretty cool, huh?
Monday, January 19, 2009
A little bit of fun...

Friday, January 2, 2009
Happy New Year!!!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
End of the year cleanup...
First, A couple of blogs have gone private and have given me an email address to post for anyone who would like to be invited to read their blog. I will list them here with their email adresses as well as in the sidebar under their names.
Shantelle Barber Martinez --- email spidershanny@gmail.com
David Thorpe --- email address not available*** leave a comment on their new "fake" blog if you woul llke to be invited to view their real blog.
I'm sure that this "private" list will be everchanging and I just wanted to direct you to a previous entry from our blog HERE with an idea I had for private bloggers, especially if you would rather not have your email address posted publicly.
Well, I had one more item of business to tend to, but I hear screaming children in the distance and I think I may have to break it up... later.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Happy Holidays!
I had a little down time today to check out your blogs. It was nice to see all the Christmas wishes and holiday cheer! I have to say I was fascinated by the photo documentation of the ice storm on
Monday, December 22, 2008
An old friend...
"Okay, so I'm kind of a cheater. I didn't graduate from SFHS, but I would have if we hadn't moved away when I was in 8th grade. I grew up with most people I saw posted on the blog though, so I was wondering if you could help me out? There are so many people that I would love to catch up with if they're interested? My name was Katie Elmborg back then, it's Katie Belcher now. My email is kelmborg@hotmail.com, and I have a Facebook profile under my married name. I didn't know if there was any way you could post this info on your site, or get it to people? I would appreciate any help getting in touch with my old friends. Thank you so much! Katie Belcher (Elmborg)"
Here is a link to Katie's FACEBOOK!